Let's Talk Success Via Your Stories

The Communications and Marketing team appreciates you for reading the Weekly Navigator, our internal news and information source that hits your inbox each Monday.

We are always looking for stories about our amazing students and you - our dedicated faculty and staff, whether you're full-time or part-time.

We want to highlight students for things such as special awards/achievements, above and beyond campus/community participation, scholarships/internships, special projects, unique hobbies, and more. We also want to spread the word about your dedication to teaching, student mentorship, and community service as well as your awards/honors, special projects/skills, unique pastime activities, and other endeavors.

Here's how you can help: tell us your story or recommend a deserving student or colleague via our convenient online questionnaire. It's simple. Just CLICK HERE and follow the prompts. Under service, select news/feature. In the project description field, be sure to include plenty of details to give us insight into why the story you recommend is worth sharing.

Please also make sure to provide thorough and accurate contact information for those named.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation. We are excited about the great things happening at Thomas Nelson (becoming Virginia Peninsula Community College).